Loyal2 is an integrated marketing/membership database and communication platform with a vouchers/loyalty engine.
Our easy-to-use web-based system is all you need to maintain a database of your customers/members, manage and report on the data,
track transactions and points, issue reward vouchers and send filtered promotional communication campaigns to them.
Click here to see how Loyal2 works.
Your own mobile-ready micro-site for member interaction and self-help

Instantly deploy your own micro-site or Member Zone, offering your users the ability to login and check points and statements.
Micro-sites are mobile ready and accessible across multiple platforms at once. See a sample micro-site at:
Your micro-site will be instantly available at *.loyal2.com, but you can specify your own domain if you prefer.
Here your members can also register themselves, update their details, claim reward vouchers and in the near future they will be able to register products they have purchased and take surveys for extra points.
We are adding new web-tools constantly to enrich your members' online interaction with your brand.
Powerful, flexible and easy to use.
Monitor members, points & transactions
Vouchers and coupons give you flexibility and control
If you are an entry-level user you will find Loyal2 very easy to use.
We allow you easy access to your data and the ability to add/edit and delete entries via forms and spreadsheets with our online tools.
Our programs and models give you all the flexibility to need - allowing you to set up a database and program that suits your business and grows with you.
For advanced users or programmers we offer a feature-rich set of APIs that allow you to interact with all aspects of your database for seamless integration.
Multi-channel communications platform
Send regular mobile and email campaigns
Loyal2 is a multi-channel communications platform, allowing you to send mobile and email messages to your customers/members.
Use our templates or build your own for unlimited campaigns and promotions. Track and measure responses in realtime.
We also have a personalised print-campaign feature which allows you to generate print-ready artwork via PDF, after which you can opt to print it yourself or have us print and post it on your behalf.